Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In the beginning or How I began my love of movies

Welcome to my new blog!! I'll hopefully update it more than once, which was the unfortunate fate of my previous attempt. As you can tell by the title, the focus of this blog will be movies. I can't promise that I won't venture into other areas, since films touch on many different aspects of our history and culture.

For as long as I can remember, movies have been a part of my life. I wasn't the kid who would stay inside all day watching TV, I was very active, but on days I couldn't go out to play or after it got dark, we watched movies. This is not to say we abandoned regular TV, I distinctly remember watching The Cosby Show and Saturday morning cartoons, but a few times a week we would watch movies together. Some of my earliest movie memories include watching Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones(all but Temple of Doom), Jaws, Cinderella, and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure at home, and going to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a rerelease of the Jungle Book in theatres.

  As I got older, I kept my love for movies. I didn't get into the party culture in high school, instead I would tend to stay at home with a weekend's worth of movies rented from the local video store(they had a 5 movies for 5 days for $5 that I took advantage of after football season was over). Most of the movies I rented were horror, and being under 17 I technically shouldn't have been able to rent them but I lived in a small town and could get away with it. Most of those horror movies were awful, but they weren't the only ones. I watched some bad comedies, some dramas so bad the we're comedic, and action movies best left forgotten, but they all were given a chance.

In college, my love affair only grew, and I took my desire to see movies of all kinds to a different location and include new people. I also broadened my viewing horizons to include more indie movies. I started to see movies in a more artistic light, but I tried not to become a critical #%^ because I still like to watch dumb movies every now and then.
Now that I'm married with two little boys I'm hopefully spreading to them, my wife included, a love for movies, awesome, absurd, or awesomely absurd.

In this blog I will share reviews, list, history, and rants about movies. My first "series" will be about movies that I find either overrated or underrated. I can promise that not everyone will be pleased by my choices, if so, we can discuss in the comments section.

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